A creative solution for the water crisis in Flint, Michigan
LaToya spent five months living in Flint, Michigan, documenting the lives of those affected by the city's water crisis for her photo essay Flint is Family. As the crisis dragged on, she realized it was going to take more than a series of photos to bring relief. In this inspiring, surprising TED talk, she shares the creative lengths she went to in order to bring free, clean water to the people of Flint.
Read more • Watch LaToya's talk on TED.com
Fred and Laura Ruth Bidwell Lecture
LaToya Ruby Frazier March 23, 2017, 6:00 pm FREE – Seating is limited LaToya Ruby Frazier, a contemporary Chicago-based photographer and the 2017 recipient of the Akron Art Museum’s Knight Purchase Award, will visit Akron to present the Fred and Laura Ruth Bidwell Lecture at the Akron Art Museum. For Frazier, art is a catalyst […]
Musee Magazine Interviews LaToya Ruby Frazier for Women’s History Month
LaToya Ruby Frazier A Lived Experience Describing a picture of yours from A Haunted Capital, you said that you watched The Cosby Show as a kid in order to escape the reality of your dismantled working-class family. When did you come to terms with the truth and what led you to embrace and document it? […]
LaToya speaking at SPE
“The Notion of Family” Thursday, March 09, 2017 Guest Speaker LaToya Ruby Frazier at 7:00pm – Orange Ballroom Book signing at 8:00pm – Orange Foyer In this talk, LaToya Ruby Frazier discusses how she has used photography to fight injustice—poverty, healthcare and gender inequality, environmental contamination, racism, and more—and create a more representative self-portrait. Drawing […]
Exhibition at Caracas Belgium
LaToya Ruby Frazier (b. 1982, USA) continues to show the representation of the working classes, a tradition begun in the 1930s by the likes of Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange and Gordon Parks, in her latest exhibition Et des terrils un arbre s’elevera (And a tree grew up from the coal tips). Her political commitment and her […]
Carrying the Legacies of Documentary Photographer Icons
Lomography Magazine on LaToya Ruby Frazier’s recent exhibition at the Musée des Arts Contemporains, Le Grand Hornu in Brussels. “The recent history of Braddock, a district in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has been plagued with issues of unemployment surges, poverty, demographic migration, disease outbreaks, hospital closures, drug use in the countryside. It is referenced to the lower part […]
Musée des Arts Contemporains
LaToya Ruby Frazier, And From The Coaltips A Tree Will Rise Outraged by the closure of Braddock’s only hospital in 2010 and by the following use of this “ghost town” as the setting for jeans commercial, LaToya Ruby Frazier became increasingly more activist and conjointly condemned the cynical abandon of her city by public powers […]
“Et des terrils, un arbre s’élèvera” at MAC’s
The Museum of Contemporary Arts of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation announces the exhibition byLaToya Ruby Frazier titled Et des terrils, un arbre s’élèvera [And From the Coal Tips a Tree Will Rise] on view from 19 February to 21 May 2017. “LaToya Ruby Frazier grew up in Braddock, in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, at the heart of the Rust Belt. […]
Not Just Flint: Water Crises and Inequality in the United States
TED Fellow and MacArthur Fellow, LaToya Ruby Frazier, will be the keynote speaker at the Trinity Institute Dialogue #2 “Not Just Flint: Water Crises and Inequality in the United States” A year after the news about toxic water in Flint, Michigan broke nationally, it’s clear that for millions of Americans – particularly in poor and marginalized communities, both […]
LaToya to speak at The Art Institute of Chicago
Lecture: An Evening with LaToya Ruby Frazier LaToya Ruby Frazier, photographer and 2015 MacArthur fellow, discusses her work—personal, incisive explorations of issues surrounding race, representation, and social justice in places such as Flint, Michigan and her hometown of Braddock, Pennsylvania. January 26, 2017 6:00pm–7:00pm Fullerton Hall Art Institute of Chicago Free with museum admission Seating […]
To Fight Trump, First Learn How to See
Artists Carrie Mae Weems and LaToya Ruby Frazier discuss creating art in 2017. by Mattie Kahn, ELLE Jan 11, 2017 Hosted by Rebecca Carroll, WNYC producer for special projects on race, photographers LaToya Ruby Frazier and Carrie Mae Weems; and Harvard University art history professor Sarah Lewis, engage in a discussion on celebrating and advancing […]
Juxtapoz features “THE NOTION OF FAMILY”
LaToya Ruby Frazier’s award-winning first book, The Notion of Family, offers an incisive exploration of the legacy of racism and economic decline in America’s small towns, as embodied by her hometown of Braddock, Pennsylvania. The work also considers the impact of that decline on the community and on her family, creating a statement both personal and truly political— an […]
Aperture releases “The Notion Of Family” in paperback
The Notion Of Family Photographs by LaToya Ruby Frazier Interview by Dawoud Bey Essays by Laura Wexler and Dennis C. Dickerson Now available in a paperback edition, LaToya Ruby Frazier’s award-winning first book, The Notion Of Family, offers an incisive exploration of the legacy of racism and economic decline in America’s small towns, as embodied […]