A creative solution for the water crisis in Flint, Michigan
LaToya spent five months living in Flint, Michigan, documenting the lives of those affected by the city's water crisis for her photo essay Flint is Family. As the crisis dragged on, she realized it was going to take more than a series of photos to bring relief. In this inspiring, surprising TED talk, she shares the creative lengths she went to in order to bring free, clean water to the people of Flint.
Read more • Watch LaToya's talk on TED.com
Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: GM Plant Closing
Professor David Harvey talks about the work of photographer LaToya Ruby Frazier who documents the news of the Lordstown, Ohio plant closing and the impact it had on the workers, families and community at large.
Courtesy of: Democracy at Work
Artist Talk at The Renaissance Society
Artist LaToya Ruby Frazier and curators Karsten Lund and Solveig Øvstebø discuss Frazier’s Renaissance Society solo exhibition, The Last Cruze. This talk took place during the opening reception on Saturday, September 14, 2019.
Courtesy of: The Renaissance Society
NYC-ARTS Profile: LaToya Ruby Frazier
NYC-ARTS and WNET Thirteen presents a profile of photographer and video artist LaToya Ruby Frazier, whose work follows in the social documentary tradition of Walker Evans and Gordon Parks.
Courtesy of: NYC-ARTS.org
Aired: 2/7/2019 on Thirteen|WNET New York Public Media