A creative solution for the water crisis in Flint, Michigan
LaToya spent five months living in Flint, Michigan, documenting the lives of those affected by the city's water crisis for her photo essay Flint is Family. As the crisis dragged on, she realized it was going to take more than a series of photos to bring relief. In this inspiring, surprising TED talk, she shares the creative lengths she went to in order to bring free, clean water to the people of Flint.
Read more • Watch LaToya's talk on TED.com
In Conversation: Healthcare and Access
Latoya Ruby Frazier, Dr. Esa Davis, Rev. Kyndra Frazier and Gabriel Mendes, PHD
LaToya Ruby Frazier joins Dr. Esa Davis, Associate Professor of Medicine, Clinical and Translational Science at The University of Pittsburgh and a board-certified practicing family physician with a focus in women’s health who has investigated the perinatal, cultural and behavioral factors associated with racial and socioeconomic disparities in obesity among women; Rev. Kyndra Frazier, lead innovator of Harlem’s HOPE Center and Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at First Corinthian Baptist Church in Harlem; and Gabriel N. Mendes, Ph.D., author of Under the Strain of Color: Harlem’s Lafargue Clinic and the Promise of an Antiracist Psychiatry (Cornell University Press, 2015), and Associate Director of Public Health Programs at the Bard Prison Initiative, for a special conversation on health care and access from Braddock to Harlem.
Courtesy of: Gavin Brown’s enterprise
Grand-Hornu presents: And From The Coaltips A Tree Will Rise
“Et des terrils, un arbre s’élèvera”… c’est le nom d’une expo photo proposée au MAC’s pour le moment. Vous l’aurez compris, cette exposition est en lien avec le passé minier de notre région. Les photos sont celles d’une artiste américaine, LaToya Ruby Frazier. Il y a quelques mois, elle a rencontré d’anciens mineurs du Borinage et leurs familles. Accompagnée d’une interprète, elle a écouté leur histoire et les a pris en photos. Lors du vernissage de l’exposition ce week-end, ces familles boraines ont pu découvrir en primeur le travail de l’artiste.
“And From The Coaltips A Tree Will Rise” … is the name of a photo exhibition proposed to the MAC’s for the moment. You will understand, this exhibition is in connection with the mining past of our region. The photos are those of an American artist, LaToya Ruby Frazier. A few months ago, she met former miners from Borinage and their families. Accompanied by an interpreter, she listened to their story and took pictures. At the opening of the exhibition this weekend, these borane families were able to discover the work of the artist.
Courtesy of: TéléMB
EXPO LaToya Ruby Frazier : le projet
Joanna Leroy, Co-manager of the cultural department at the Museum of Contemporary Arts of Wallonia-Brussels, provides commentary on LaToya Ruby Frazier’s exhibition titled Et des terrils, un arbre s’élèvera [And From the Coal Tips a Tree Will Rise] on view from 19 February to 21 May 2017.
Courtesy of: Musée des Arts Contemporains de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles